Industrial Cybersecurity vs. Network Security Which is More Important in Manufacturing

November 27, 2021


With an increase in Industrial Automation, the concept of smart factories and Industry 4.0 has become a reality. In such a scenario, cybersecurity plays an essential role in ensuring the safety and integrity of data and control systems involved. Out of several cybersecurity measures, Industrial Cybersecurity and Network Security are the most talked-about domains. Today, we will compare Industrial Cybersecurity with Network Security to determine which is more critical for industries.

Industrial Cybersecurity vs. Network Security

What is Industrial Cybersecurity?

Industrial Cybersecurity focuses on securing the control systems and devices that are used to operate physical processes, machinery, and equipment. It ensures the safety of industrial networks, applications, devices, and control systems used in manufacturing environments. A lack of cybersecurity measures can lead to devastating consequences, including plant shutdown, loss of life, or significant financial losses.

What is Network Security?

Network security is a broader term that encompasses a wide range of security measures that are implemented to protect network infrastructure from unauthorized access, misuse, destruction, or modification. Network Security involves protocols, hardware, and software technologies to prevent unauthorized access to the network, detect and block unauthorized access attempts, and secure data transfer across the network.

Industrial Cybersecurity Vs. Network Security: Which is More Important?

Both Industrial Cybersecurity and Network Security are essential in protecting an organization's data and systems. However, Industrial Cybersecurity is more critical for industries that deal with sensitive information, such as the energy sector, pharmaceuticals, critical manufacturing, and other process-driven sectors. The loss or manipulation of data in such industries can pose a threat to public safety and cause significant financial implications.

On the other hand, Network Security is more critical for industries where unauthorized access can lead to information theft or financial loss. Industries such as banking, e-commerce, and retail sectors rely heavily on Network Security to protect confidential data from breaches and cyber-attacks.


In conclusion, Industrial Cybersecurity and Network Security play a crucial role in protecting an organization's data and systems. However, the importance of Industrial Cybersecurity cannot be undermined, considering the risks of public safety and financial losses that an organization may have to encounter in the case of cybersecurity breaches.

So, we would suggest organizations emphasize the implementation of Industrial Cybersecurity measures to protect critical assets in the Manufacturing and Process-driven sectors, while focusing on Network Security for industries such as Banking, Retail, and E-commerce.

Stay safe and secure!


  • "Industrial Control Systems Security", NIST
  • "Industrial Cybersecurity White Paper", Symantec
  • "Network Security", Cisco
  • "Difference Between Network Security and Cybersecurity", Cybersecurity Insiders.

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